Date(s) - 23/04/2020
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
University of Leeds
This webinar is a special joint event between The Bell Foundation and NALDIC, the National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum. It will feature a new webinar format: an interactive panel of four leading EAL experts, who will offer practical suggestions on supporting the learning of EAL pupils during and after school closures and answer questions posed live by the audience. Areas of focus will include:
- Supporting the remote learning of EAL pupils kept at home working independently on online tasks
- Supporting vulnerable EAL pupils and those who are children of critical key workers at school
- Key considerations for the assessment of English as an Additional Language pupils in the absence of summer exams
- Mitigating the impact of school closures on the learning and attainment of English as an Additional Language pupils
- Supporting the subject knowledge development for EAL teaching and learning that is needed by trainee teachers
The panel will be chaired by Silvana Richardson from The Bell Foundation and will comprise:
- Dr. Naomi Flynn, University of Reading and NALDIC (EAL for primary education)
- Kamil Trzebiatowski, The Bell Foundation (EAL for secondary education)
- Dr. Yvonne Foley, Edinburgh University and NALDIC (EAL for teacher education – initial and continuing)
- Prof. Constant Leung, King’s College, London and NALDIC (EAL assessment)
Who should register for the webinar:
Staff in schools with EAL pupils, particularly:
- Primary and secondary teachers
- EAL co-ordinators
- Teaching assistants
- ITE tutors and mentors
- Local Authority education teams
Why you should register for this webinar:
- Ability to pose questions regarding supporting the learning of EAL pupils during and after school closures
- A great opportunity for school staff to have direct access to expert advice from leaders in the English as an Additional Language field
- Time-saving, one-hour intensive session with Q&A
- Access to session recording
- First to hear about future webinars and how to sign up
- If the webinar is full, please complete the Wait List form and you will be contacted if a place becomes available. Everyone on the Wait List will be sent a copy of the webinar recording.
If you don’t get into this webinar we hope that the webinar will be available afterwards, in common with other webinars broadcast by Bell in the past. We are also providing some virtual NALDIC Regional Interest Group (RIGs) meetings during the summer which will be open to members outside of the regions represented by each RIG. Look out for separate emails about this and also see upcoming RIG dates on our NALDIC website.