NALDIC, the National Association for Language Development In the Curriculum, is the UK subject association for English as an additional language (EAL). The association was founded in 1992 by a group of EAL teachers as a membership organisation for teachers and academics wanting to improve the learning and teaching of bilingual pupils in UK schools. Since those early days, NALDIC has grown in size and influence and became a registered charity in 2005. Today NALDIC is the national EAL association trusted by specialists, teachers and schools.

Their mission is to promote the effective teaching and learning of EAL and bilingual pupils in our schools. They do this by engaging with teachers, schools and other organisations to promote understanding, research and best practice in relation to EAL and bilingualism.


Becoming a member of NALDIC enables you to keep up to date with the latest EAL developments. There are also frequent  regional interest groups and an annual discounted conference. This year’s conference will take place on Saturday, November 18th at King’s College London.

Every member also receives their very own copy of the new and coveted EAL journal, NALDIC’s termly magazine of practice, research and activism.

Visit the Website 

For more information, visit the NALDIC website

see also the excellent EAL journal