Date(s) - 17/04/2019
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
University of Leeds
This workshop in intended to raise awareness in participants of the academic and social benefits of developing EAL children’s home languages alongside English. It will also illustrate that being bilingual is not a prerequisite to adopting a bilingual approach to teaching.
Presenter: Saiqa Riasat
After completing her BA (Hons) in Primary Education with QTS in 2002 Saiqa was inspired, determined and motivated to reverse the loss of home language that a lot of EAL children from ethnic minority backgrounds were still experiencing, just like herself 20 years previously. Along with one of her friends she became the founder of the Bilingual Learning & Teaching Association (BLTA). The primary aim of the BLTA has always been to raise awareness of the academic and social benefits of being fluent in both English and children’s home languages. Saiqa has worked in the capacity of a teacher, family learning tutor, researcher, trainer, co-ordinator and project developer throughout the years to achieve the aims of the BLTA. She also played an important part in the formulation of Education Bradford’s multilingualism policy and in the implementation of it in practice through joint training with them. Furthermore, she was invited to work on the EAL pilot (2005) and over the years her passion and commitment for the advancement of EAL learners has led her to host and take part in many seminars and workshops to showcase effective multilingual approaches to teaching and learning.
To register for your free place, click here.
To give feedback on this workshop, click here.
The video recording is available on VideoLeeds (search for EAL workshop).
The materials for this workshop are available here.
This workshop is funded by an excellence and innovation fellowship from the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence.