In response to the Department for Education announcement that GCSE exams will be replaced with teacher assessment for the second year running, The Bell Foundation has created four guides, one each for learners, parents/carers, senior leaders and teachers. The parent/carer and learner guides have now been translated into 17 of the most commonly spoken languages in the classroom. Teachers are encouraged to share the guides with parents and learners by email, by post, or face-to-face.
The other two guides, one for senior leaders and one for teachers, offer advice and suggestions on how to ensure the best outcomes for learners using EAL within teacher assessments. The impact of school closures on learners is likely to be considerable as many will have experienced some degree of learning loss during this time. For pupils using EAL this may also include potential language loss and be particularly significant for late arrivals to the UK school system and those who are new to English.
Resources linked below: